Book Review: Tiffany Reisz’s THE SIREN

Zach Easton knew that in the offices of Royal House Publishing, he was known as the London Fog,…

For me, THE SIREN has always been about Zach Easton. And re-reading the book on its release date is like settling into the embrace of an old flame, the one I never forgot. I’ve read so many variations of the book I can’t quite remember what scenes went through to the final draft. Phrases from the book flit across my mind at odd hours of the day, synonyms for thrust, literary fiction vs. literary friction, and I’ve never been able to fully remove it from my consciousness.

But Zach… oh, Zach. I’d have adored him even if he hadn’t happened to share his physical appearance with the gorgeous Jason Isaacs. Zach has depth, agonizing and painful depths. He’s the tortured hero, but put aside your ideas of the traditional romantic hero. Zach isn’t it. Will he rescue damsels? Not exactly. He’ll go through hell and back, and Nora Sutherlin, infamous dominatrix and writer, could be the one doing the rescuing.

This isn’t just a romance novel. It’s a book that will leave you gripping the pages and staying up until the wee hours of the morning just to find out what happens to Zach, and Nora, and Wes, and the rest.

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